June 2017 at Wark Farm
- Posted by:
- Admin
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- Posted date:
- 08-12-2017
Welcome to this official, totally apolitical, sadly no party, broadcast from Wark Farm. Enough already.
We are offering Open Day Light this month, and no I didn't say your bum was big in that. Sadly, and frustratingly, I have been in hospital for chunk of time since the May open days. Team Wark Farm have done a grand job keeping the fields afloat and the animals fed but I am under orders to ease myself gently back to work. Being naturally cussed, I have listened and then headed off on my own track. So open days are happening but with a more limited product range than normal. So we have a reasonable range of well matured Beltie beef, the full list of lamb cuts, which is now hogget, having passed the year old mark. We have bacon and pies but I'm afraid no chicken this month to reduce my work load.