News from the Farm July 2022
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- 11-07-2022
Early morning curlew on the new splash
July 2022
In contrast to the rather dispiriting global and economic outlook, the the farm in the current high summer days has a feeling of abundance and even opulence. The grass is tall, the flowers are bright and many birds and insects are through their first cycles of reproduction; in simple terms, there are things pinging and buzzing around everywhere.
At the moment I'm enjoying the wild geraniums in the meadows, which seems to be more abundant and more blue than normal and above, around and amongst the meadows and scrubby areas I'm being happily entertained by the chattering families of linnets, tree sparrows and goldfinches.
Life in the wetland areas is quietening down (... tell that to the sedge warbler that scolds me every time I pass to check the cows ...) with the waders starting to move on now. Sadly I don't think we directly added any young curlew or lapwing from nests on the the farm this year (I suspect predation accounted for at least one nest) but we hosted curlew and lapwing from the surrounding area every day though the spring and early summer and hopefully the good feeding they seemed to enjoy added to the health of the wider population. Snipe seem to have been busy as are the mallard, with several broods. Oystercatchers are here everyday for a wash and a snooze but I haven't tracked down where they nested. We had a few new first sightings this year, all on the big splash we created in the autumn, including a pair of shoveler duck, a whooper swan and, much to my delight, a redshank.
It's been enormously rewarding and encouraging to see the increase in activity in the wetland area in response to the ongoing changes to habitat we've made. As if to mark the progression of the area into a new and richer stage a marsh harrier visited recently and hunted around the rushes, pools and adjacent meadows but probably the most startling sight was the evening when 90-100 curlew (I counted them three times!) visited the new splash one evening recently. Lit by the warm orange of the evening sun, it was a truly captivating sight as they splashed, washed, preened and rested before flighting back to feed in our newly cut silage fields. And all the while they talked amongst themselves with their beautiful voices.
The July Order Form is now available online, link below. We have our full range of Belted Galloway Beef and Hebridean lamb/hogget available along with a limited range of bacon and a good range of pies.
Orders will be available for delivery on Friday 15th or to collect from Banchory and Bridge of Don farmers market on the 16th July, or from the farm on Sunday 17th (11am - 2pm).
You make an online selection of the cuts or pies you'd like, and then you can chose to either have it delivered to your home, or to collect it at Banchory Farmers Market or Bridge of Don Farmers market, or else you can also collect it at our farm. FOR EXACT DATES, SEE BELOW
As ever please get in touch if you have any queries.
Best wishes
Laurel & SaM
July 2022 Order Form